Every UK police force deploys Armed Response Vehicles (ARVs), on duty all day, every day, 365 days a year. They are the 24/7 armed response team, used to deal with the most serious and challenging incidents in a police area.
ARVs are usually large SUV type vehicles - traditionally BMW X5s but changing over slowly to Volvo XC60s as well as the larger VW vehicles. You may have seen them about. Each car will have 2 or 3 armed officers on board.

The number of ARVs varies dependent on the force area - so for example a small rural force might have 2 or 3 ARVs on duty at any one time, whereas a large city force like the Met or Greater Manchester Police could have well into double figures.
Each ARV will have 2 or 3 armed officers on board. They have pistols and carbines, as well as Taser, and access to "less lethal" weapons like baton guns.
The officers on ARVs are volunteers, there's a stringent assessment process, and once selected they undergo intensive additional training on weapons, tactics and enhanced first aid. Every few weeks they have to undergo reclassification on the various weapons, to prove that they are still a safe and effective officer.
As well as routine policing - supporting unarmed officers dealing with every day incidents - they provide an immediate response to the most challenging, dangerous calls - those where extreme violence has been threatened or used, or weapons like samurai swords, zombie knives and of course firearms are seen or suspected.
The deployment of these armed resources must be approved by a senior officer called a Tactical Firearms Commander, or TFC (see my other blog post), and the way they deploy is set out in a detailed guide published by the College of Policing.
Finally, if the worst ever happens - for example someone is hurt or killed during an armed police operation, these officers will (rightly) be subjected to the most arduous and detailed post incident investigation, which may last months or even years (which is too long).
And the most amazing fact -- these officers aren't paid any extra for undertaking all of this training, responsibility and accountability.
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